Saturday, March 6, 2010

History of RAM / Memory

       The development of micro computers, or more often referred to as a PC (Personal Computer) that such a rapid course not separated from the human need for information to be processed by the PC and of course the development of technology, especially technology hardware, software, as well as functions or algorithms used in processing information that is processed.
        Twenty years of PC celebrations which falls in August 2001 , that if we look today we are at a time when the PC has become an inseparable part of our lives. If the initial discovery, the PC is still regarded as expensive goods, are now almost everyone already have them. That said, people who are not familiar with computers will be branded as a person who stutters technology.
         If at that time the Intel 8088 processor could only walk with three speeds, 77 MHz which is used to drive word-processing program in creating and editing documents, simple spreadsheets to do the job and business accounting, and simple database program and some educational programs and games are also still very simple. Now, PC can run with Intel Pentium4 2GHz speeds, even this new new â Intel Corp. through the arena its Intel Developer Forum, Intel has been showing a demo of processor speed two, 5GHz! A leap of technological invention is quite fantastic.
         However, the development of the ability of the PC is not always determined by the development of the processor alone. The other factors, such as technology, chipset, memory, VGA card, the media store, and so forth. All devices with each other grow, evolve into a better direction for build a PC system.
         For that, through this paper, the author tries to give a little information about the evolution of the memory device on a PC. But before stepping on the subject matter, it must be stressed before discussing the scope of this paper. Evolution of memory that the author discussed in this paper covers only the main memory (main memory) type of RAM (Random Access Memory) used in micro-computer (PC).
         The rapid development of processor capability must be balanced with the increased memory capabilities. As a container for information / information needed by the processor as well as a container for the results of calculations performed by the processor, memory capabilities in managing information is vital. Useless to a PC system with high-speed processor, if not matched by a commensurate memory capabilities.
Inaccurate fusion processor with the memory capacity can lead to inefficiencies for both. Say we have a processor that can process information flow of 100 instructions per second, while we have the memory with the ability to distribute information to the processor by 50 instructions per second. Then what happened? The system will experience a bottleneck. Processor must wait for information from memory. The instructions should be done within one second to three seconds because of limited memory capacity.

COMPUTER SCIENCE (History of RAM / Memory)
1. R A M RAM stands for Random Access Memory, was discovered by Robert Dennard and produced on a large scale â by Intel in 1968, long before the PC is found by IBM in 1981. From here is the development of RAM starts. At the beginning of creation, the RAM requires two.0 volt voltage to be able to walk on two frequencies, 77MHz, with a memory access time (access time) of about 200ns (1ns = 10-9 seconds).
2. D R A M In 1970, IBM created a memory called DRAM. Own DRAM stands for Dynamic Random Access Memory. Dynamic Named because this type of memory at any given time interval, always update the information or content validity. DRAM has a working frequency range, between the two, 77MHz to 40MHz. 
3. FP RAM Rapid Page Mode DRAM, or abbreviated with FPM DRAM is found around the year 1987. Since it was first launched, this type of memory directly dominate the memory market, and people often call this type "memory DRAM" , without naming the FPM. This type of memory works just like an index or table of contents. Meaning Page itself is part of the memory contained on a row address. When the system requires the contents of a memory address, FPM stay retrieve information about them based on indices that have been owned. FPM allows faster transfer of information on line (row) of the same from the previous memory types. FPM works in the frequency range 16MHz to 66MHz with an access time of 50ns. In addition, FPM is able to process information transfer (bandwidth) of 188.71 Mega Bytes (MB) per second. FPM memory is widely used in systems based on Intel 286, 386 and bit 486. 

4. EDO RAM In 1995, were created memory type Extended Information Output Dynamic Random Access Memory (EDO DRAM), which is a refinement of the FPM. EDO memory read cycle can shorten it so as to improve its performance around twenty percent. EDO has an access time that is varied enough, which is about 70ns to 50ns and working at a frequency of 33MHz to 75MHz. Although EDO is a refinement of the FPM, but both could not be installed simultaneously, because of differences in ability. EDO DRAM memory used in systems based on Intel 486 and Pentium and earlier generations.

5. PC66 SDRAM At the turn of 1996 to 1997, Kingston creates a memory module which can work on the speed (frequency) the same bus / sync with a working frequency of the processor.That's why Kingston's call this type of memory as a Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM). SDRAM is then better known as the PC66 because working at 66MHz bus frequency. Unlike previous memory types that require a fairly high working voltage, voltage SDRAM only requires registration for two, 3 volts and has an access time of 10ns. With the best ability at the time and has been mass produced, not only by Kingston alone, PC66 memory quickly became the standard time memory. Processor-based systems like Intel Pentium Socket 7 Classic (P75 and P266MMX) and kompatibelnya from AMD, WinChip, IDT, and so can work very fast by using these PC66 memory.Even Intel Celeron II early generation still uses PC66 SDRAM memory system.

6. PC100 SDRAM Lapse of a period of one year after PC66 mass produced and used, Intel made a new standard type of memory that is an extension of PC66 memory. The new standard was created by Intel to balance the system chipset i440BX with one system slot is also created by Intel. This chipset is designed to work on the bus frequency at 100MHz. This chipset was developed by Intel at the same time to be paired with the latest Intel Pentium II processor that works on a 100MHz bus. Because the bus system operates at a frequency of 100MHz while Intel still wants to use SDRAM memory systems, SDRAM memory method is developed that can work at 100MHz bus frequency. Like its predecessor PC66, SDRAM memory is then known as PC100. By using the working voltage of two, 3 volt, PC100 memory has an access time of 8ns, shorter than PC66. In addition, PC100 memory capable of flowing information of 800MB per second. Almost identical to its predecessor, PC100 memory has brought a change in computer systems. Not only is it one slot-based processor that uses PC100 memory, socket-based system 7 was updated to be able to use PC100 memory. Then came the so-called system Tremendous Socket 7. Examples of processors that use socket Super7 is AMD K6-2, Intel Pentium II generation of late, and early-generation Intel Pentium II Intel Celeron II and the early generations.
7. DR DRAM In 1999, Rambus memory system by creating a new architecture and a revolutionary, totally different from SDRAM.Oleh Rambus memory architecture, memory is called Direct Rambus Dynamic Random Access Memory. With only the voltage of three, 5 volts, which works on RDRAM 800MHz system bus via a bus system called the Direct Rambus Channel, capable of flowing information at one, 6GB per second! (1GB = 1000MHz). Unfortunately the sophistication DRDRAM not be utilized by the system chipset and processor at that time so the memory is less received support from various parties. One more thing that makes this memory is less desirable because the price is very expensive. 

8. PC800 RDRAM Still in the same year, Rambus has also developed an other memory types with the same ability with DRDRAM. The difference only lies in the necessary working voltage.If DRDRAM require voltages of three, 5 volts, the voltage RDRAM PC800 work on two, 3 volt. The fate of RDRAM memory is almost the same as DRDRAM, less desirable, if not utilized by Intel. Intel has managed to create a very high-speed processor requires a memory system that is able to keep up and work together well. SDRAM memory type was not worth it anymore. Intel needs more than that. With dipasangkannya Intel Pentium4, RDRAM name skyrocketed, and the longer the price is getting down.

9. PC133 SDRAM In addition to the development of PC800 RDRAM memory in 1999, SDRAM memory has not been abandoned, even by the Vikings, even more enhanced capabilities. As the name implies, PC133 SDRAM memory works at 133MHz bus frequency with an access time of 7.5 ns and is able to stream information for one, 06GB per second.Although developed to work on PC133 bus frequency of 133MHz, but memory is also capable of running at 100MHz bus frequency, although not as good as the ability possessed by PC100 at that frequency.

10. PC150 SDRAM SDRAM memory development is increasing greatly after Mushkin, in 2000 succeeded in developing memory chips capable of working at 150MHz bus frequency, although in fact there has been no official standards regarding the frequency of the bus system or chipset for this. Still with the working voltage of two, 3 volt, PC150 memory has an access time of 7ns and be able to stream information for one, 28GB per second. Memory is intentionally created for purposes of overclockers, but the user gaming applications and two-dimensional graphics, desktop publishing, and computer servers to take advantage of the presence of PC150 memory.

11. DDR SDRAM Still in 2000, successfully developed the SDRAM ability memory to be doubled. If the regular SDRAM can only run once every single instruction clock cycle frequency of the bus, the DDR SDRAM is able to run two instruction in the same time.The technique used is to use the full single frequency wave. If the regular SDRAM only do the instructions on the positive wave, the DDR SDRAM running good instructions on the positive wave and negative wave. Because of this memory is called DDR SDRAM which stands for Double Information Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory. With DDR SDRAM memory, system bus with a frequency of 100 and 133 MHz will work effectively at a frequency of 200 and 266 MHz. DDR SDRAM was first used in ultra-speed AGP graphics card. While the use of the processor, AMD Thunderbird was the first to use it.

12. DDR RAM In 1999 two large companies Intel and AMD microprocessors competing in the increase in CPU clock speed. But the obstacles, because when upgrading to 133 MHz memory bus needs Memory (RAM) will be greater. And to solve this problem then be made to DDR RAM (double the transfer rate information), which was originally used on a graphics card, because now you can use only 32 MB to 64 MB capacity. AMD was the first company to use DDR RAM on the motherboard. Differences DDR2 with DDR

13. DDR2 RAM When the memory type DDR (Double Information Rate) felt starts to slow down the rapid performance processors and graphics processors, DDR2 memory is the presence of logical advances in memory technology refers to the addition of speed and anticipation of increasingly wide access point triangle processor, memory, and interface graphics (graphic card) that comes with double the computing speed. The main differences between DDR and DDR2 is the speed of information and increased latency to reach two-fold. This change is intended to produce a maximum speed in a computing environment that the faster, both on the processor or graphics. In addition, DDR2 voltage requirement also decreased. If the DDR voltage requirement was recorded three, 5 Volt, the DDR2 this need only reach one, 8 Volt.That is, technological advances in this DDR2 requires less power to write and read in memory. Technology DDR2 himself first used on several graphics interface device, and was finally introduced its use in RAM technology. And DDR2 technology is not compatible with DDR memory, so its use could only be done on a computer that does support DDR2.
14. DDR3 RAM DDR3 RAM has a reduced power demand of about 16% compared to DDR2. This is because DDR3 is already using 90 nm technology so that only the power required konsusmsi one.5v, less when compared to DDR2 and DDR one.8v three.5v. In theory, owned by the RAM speed is indeed quite stunning. He was able to transfer information with an effective clock of 800-1600 MHz. In the 400-800 MHz clock, much higher than DDR2 at 400-1066 MHz (200-533 MHz) and DDR at 200-600 MHz (100-300 MHz). DDR3 prototype of which has 240 pins. It's actually been introduced long ago in early 2005. 
However, the products themselves actually appear in mid 2007 in conjunction with a motherboard that uses Intel's P35 Bearlake chipset and the motherboard supports DIMM slots 

EVOLUTION MODULE In addition to experiencing the development of the capability, memory module processing techniques were also developed. From a simple system, until RIMM SIMM. The following brief explanation. 1. S I M M Short for Single In-Line Memory Module, that module or memory chip embedded on one side of the circuit PCB. The memory of this type only have a total of leg (pin) as many as 30 and 72. SIMM 30 pins in the form of FPM DRAM, widely used in processor-based systems 386 and 486 generations of the end of the first generation. 30 pins SIM card capacity 1MB, 4MB and 16MB. Meanwhile, 70-pin SIMMs can be either FPM DRAM and EDO DRAM shared with the late-generation processor 486 and Pentium. 70 pin SIMM is produced on the capacity of 4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, 64MB and 128MB. 2. D I M M Short for Dual In-Line Memory Module, that module or memory chip embedded on both sides of the PCB, berbalikan each other. DIMM memory is produced in three different forms, namely the amount of feet 168 and 184. DIMM 168-pin can be either Fast Page, EDO and ECC SDRAM, with capacities ranging from 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, 64MB and 128MB. While the form of DIM 184 pin DDR SDRAM. 3. SODIMM Short for Small Outline Dual In-Line Memory Module. Memory is basically similar to DIMMs, but differ in their use. If the DIMM is used on a PC, then SO DIMM used on a laptop computer / laptop. SODIMM produced in two types, first type has a total of 72 kakai, and only 144 numbered pieces 4. RIMM / SORIMM RIMM and SORIMM is a type of memory that is made by Rambus. RIMM is basically the same with similar SORIMM DIMM and SODIMM. Because the use of Rambus technology, which prioritizes famous speeds, this memory is so hot so fast Rambus parties will need to add aluminum to help remove the heat generated by this memory.

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