The motherboard is a PCB board containing the components are integrated and form a liaison systembetween the computer. The function of the motherboard is the place to put computer parts, connecting parts to be run as its function as a regulator & the current flowing in to each part.
Usually the motherboard is installed in the casing (computer box).
Inside this motherboard there is a section - the part that connects each computer tool, such as Processor, Sound Card, LAN Card, Vga Card, ROM, RAM & far more.And each brand of motherboard it won't be the same specification that is owned by the motherboard.Therefore, be clever in choosing.The motherboard has slots for other devices, & over time additional parts computer itself began to walk quickly, so they must modify it continuously, because the motherboard decide the performance of a PC.
Inside this motherboard there is a section - the part that connects each computer tool, such as Processor, Sound Card, LAN Card, Vga Card, ROM, RAM & far more.And each brand of motherboard it won't be the same specification that is owned by the motherboard.Therefore, be clever in choosing.The motherboard has slots for other devices, & over time additional parts computer itself began to walk quickly, so they must modify it continuously, because the motherboard decide the performance of a PC.
Above all,there are at least seven things to watch on a motherboard.These seven components are:
1. Chipset
2. CPU Type
3. Slot and the memory type
4. Cache memory
5. System BIOS
6. Expansion slot
7. PortI /O
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