Friday, December 31, 2010

Caution ! Personal Shield Pro dreading your computer !!

Personal shield pro is a malicious application which claiming to be an antivirus program. Most of the time, computers are infected when you are presented with a fake security warning that indicate your computer suddenly infected by viruses,spyware, or other malicious software from nowhere and then, they asked to install free malware removal tool to remove the virus.

And once you installed it, personal shield pro pretends to scan your computer for viruses and displays fake security alerts to make you think that your computer is infected. The false positive and fake security alerts are primary method used to compromised computer to purchase that rogue product. Also, this product will significantly slow your computer performance, change your background image, and download additional malware to your computer.

Personal Shield Pro will blocks certain application on your computer, usually : task manager,registry editor, system utilities, and legitimate anti-malware software.

If your computer already infected, follow the removal guide steps :
  1. Reboot your computer, and press "F8 key" until it brings you to the menu which offer "Run in Safe Mode"
  2. After that, find the personal shield pro files with clicking start, run, then type C:\ProgramData\
  3. In that folder you will find a numeric and alphabetic folder with random order. Open that folder, and you wil find the personal shield pro icon with ".exe" format. Rename the program inside the folder with ".vir' in the back, example : psp.vir.
    Then, Reboot your computer and go to the normal windows.
  4. Then, fix your registry with FreeWindowsRegPair
  5. Open your browser and download SuperAntiSpyware
    *) If the personal shield pro blocks your SuperAntiSpyware, rename it to winlogn.exe / iexplore.exe

Saturday, December 25, 2010

HDD Scan

       HDD Scan is actually a check tool for your disk. It will scan only the surface, 
but the information gathered may be very useful.
       When launched, the application automatically detects all the hard disks installed on your computer & even USB keys. The commands that can be run for any storage unit on your computer are versification of the disk, checking the reading speed & erase speed.
       These commands can be executed on the whole hard disk or on specific user defined blocks by basically typing in the beginning of LBA (logical block addressing) & an finish location. On the vertical axis the speed reached by the tool is represented while on the horizontal there is the LBA (logical block address).The user can also specify the block size for faster processing of the whole disk. A map of the whole processed disk is displayed in the lower part of the interface. In the right hand HDD Scan shows the number of sectors processed & their speed. These are color coded according to the time it takes to method (from 500ms). Bad sectors on the disk are also displayed.
       Cautious with the erase option as it will delete all the files in the coursework of the check. With USB keys you will be prompted to format them in order to make use of immediately after re-injecting them in to the computer.

The application is known to support IDE/SATA/SCSI hard disk drives, RAID arrays, flash cards, outside hard disks (USB & Firewire). The S.M.A.R.T. attributes include RAW Read Error Rate, Spin Up Time, Start/Stop Count, Reallocation Sector Count, Seek Error Rate, PowerOn Hours Count, Spin Retry, Recalibration Retries, Tool Power Cycle, HDA Temperature, UltraDMA CRC Error Count, Write Error Count, etc. In case you know what these are you can take all the precautions before a catastrophe happens.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

HDD Tune, Hard Disk Utility

Download HD tune Pro 4.5_3.rar        
        In this application there's four main facilities : the Benchmark, Information, Health and Error Scan. Benchmark to choose how fast write and read access time hard disk access. Information provides information about the drive and support facilities in the hard drive as well as detailed information about the Firmware Hard Disk.
        Health will give the condition or status of "health" hard drive. Error Scan to check for destroy to the hard drive. Error scan facility which they use to check the condition of the hard drive. In order for correct results then do not check with a Fast Scan, remove the check mark in the menu Fast Scan.
        If there's blocks that are red, it means part of the hard drive is broken / error, and usually called with bad sectors. If the obtainable parts of it often causes the computer to hang. In addition to the information is HD Tune also provides information on temperature / temperature of the Hard Disk.